Let me let you in on a little secret. December is my most hypervigilant month out of the whole work year. Although statistically officer line of duty deaths are down this year, it doesn’t make it any easier nearing the beginning of a new year, and praying you don’t become part of those statistics. The average LODD used to be 160 per year. And as we neared the 31st, my head would bobble more as it swiveled in search of danger.
My heart hurts, and I pour out my deepest sympathies and prayers for the families effected this past year, this past week, and to come in the closing month.
I know my wife becomes increasing anxious this time of year, and generally chastises me should I speak of doing anything but paperwork. I know she would love to believe that was a possibility, but we all know “we” don’t get to determine what our work day will look like, consist of or even decide if we go home or not. We can try, we can fight, and God knows we will, but sometimes our best made plans fall short; sometimes there’s a knock at the door.
God put a call to service in my heart long before I decided to be a police officer. More recently He put a calling on my heart to be His example of service, which has led me to work to His glory the past two years. I finally saw that God didn’t want me to be a police officer; He wanted me to live a police officer’s life in order to better serve those who serve others. Those men and women who leave their homes, families, and loved ones every day to lay it all on the line for those who may call in need.
Yes I leave me home, leave my loved ones, and risk it all to serve as they do, but I do so now as an example of Christ, serving in love. At the end of the day, that’s all I can truly do. I can’t promise to come home, but I can promise to live to the last moment being a reflection of the love, grace, and mercy that has been given to me by my Lord and Savior, in hopes that others will be drawn into a relationship with their Heavenly Father and too, serve righteously.
God bless you all, and stay safe.